Best suited to batch sealing of uniform-sized cases. Automatic closure of upper-case flaps. Simultaneous top and bottom carton/box flap sealing. Increased case throughput and a consistently professional finish. Heavy duty drive belts for both light & heavy cases.
The SIAT SM11 pre-set automatic case/box sealing machines, will automatically handle pre-filled cases, it will close the 4 upper flaps before simultaneously sealing/taping. It has a wide range of case/box sizes up to 500 x 500mm. SIAT Case tapers/sealers are quick and easy for any operator to set up and run and are the best selling brand of sealers sold here in the UK. The tapers utilise heavy duty side drive belts to ensure both light and heavy boxes/cases are taped/sealed quickly and efficiently. Reliable, low maintenance SIAT K11 top and bottom taping heads are used to apply 50mm wide self-adhesive tape for a perfect taping time after time.